
also known as calendula Learn more about also known as calendula

  • The efficacy and function of Calendula how to use Calendula correctly

    The efficacy and function of Calendula how to use Calendula correctly

    The efficacy and function of Calendula how to use Calendula correctly

  • What is the function of Calendula (Calendula)? How do you plant it? When will it blossom?

    What is the function of Calendula (Calendula)? How do you plant it? When will it blossom?

    Calendula, also known as marigold, is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value. And it has many designs and colors, and the plump disk is very beautiful with green leaves. So apart from that, what is the function of marigold? How do you plant it? When will it blossom? What is the function of calendula?

  • Life habits and planting of Calendula

    Life habits and planting of Calendula

    Life habits and planting of Calendula

  • Culture method of calendula (Calendula)

    Culture method of calendula (Calendula)

    Calendula, also known as marigold, is a plant of the genus Calendula in Compositae. It is often used in flower beds and is native to southern Europe. Calendula is one of the common flower plants with bright colors. It is not uncommon for potted plants to decorate homes. It is suitable for flower beds and flower belts, and can also be used as lawn border flowers or potted plants to watch.

  • Sowing method of Calendula

    Sowing method of Calendula

    Calendula, also known as marigold, whose yellow flowers are very eye-catching, are holy flowers in the eyes of Indians. They are often made into a wreath and hung around their necks. These beautiful yellow, orange and golden flowers can be seen everywhere in Indian flower markets. Calendula is very hardy and barren, and can blossom throughout winter until early spring.

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Calendula

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of Calendula

    Calendula, also known as everlasting chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, marigold, etc., is an herbaceous flower of the genus Calendula of Compositae, native to Europe. It was introduced into China from abroad after the 18th century. With the introduction of double petals, large flowers and dwarf marigolds, China has introduced Calendula into China.

    2020-11-10 Latest Calendula planting techniques methods tutorials
  • How to grow calendula?

    How to grow calendula?

    The planting method of calendula, the flower of calendula can be divided into single and double, and the color is light yellow, yellow, golden yellow and so on. In winter, the temperature is low, the illumination time is short, and the intensity is weak, which has a great influence on the color of the flower. Light yellow or yellow is affected by the above conditions, the color of the flower is relatively light, even tends to be white, so

  • Culture method of Calendula

    Culture method of Calendula

    The soil marigold is not strict with the soil and likes to grow in the fertile alkaline sandy soil with good drainage. The PH value of the soil should be about 6-7. The soil is fertile enough to ensure that the marigold is more branched and blossoms. Calendula likes to grow in a sunny environment, but avoid high temperatures

  • When does the marigold bloom? can the marigold bloom in winter / sow in August and blossom in winter

    When does the marigold bloom? can the marigold bloom in winter / sow in August and blossom in winter

    Marigold, a highly ornamental flower, is shaped like a chrysanthemum with bright colors, and is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, there are many people who raise calendula. What they look forward to most is the marigold blooming. When will the marigold blossom? Many flower friends want the Calendula to bloom in winter. Can the Calendula blossom in winter? To this

  • What are the beautiful seed planting methods of calendula? What is the effect and effect? When will it blossom?

    What are the beautiful seed planting methods of calendula? What is the effect and effect? When will it blossom?

    Marigold, also known as marigold, likes light and is not strict with the soil. it can grow well in dry, loose and fertile alkaline soil and is resistant to barren. it is often used in flower beds, and people like to plant it. So what do you know about the planting methods of calendula seeds? What is the effect and effect? When will it blossom

  • How to reproduce calendula? two propagation methods of marigold / sowing in autumn and flowering in winter

    How to reproduce calendula? two propagation methods of marigold / sowing in autumn and flowering in winter

    Calendula, also known as marigold, belongs to Compositae. It is a beautiful and brightly colored flower, which is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, with more and more people raising calendula, mass reproduction is imperative, so how do marigolds reproduce? Generally speaking

  • How much is the price of marigold seeds? How to grow? What are the effects and functions?

    How much is the price of marigold seeds? How to grow? What are the effects and functions?

    Calendula, also known as calendula, was used in the ancient West as a medicinal or dye, as a cosmetic or edible, and its leaves and petals were edible and used as a decoration for dishes. Originated in western Europe, Mediterranean coast, North Africa and West Asia, it is cultivated all over the world. So, how much does Calendula seed cost per catty? how to grow

  • Calendula used to have a flower name.

    Calendula used to have a flower name.

    With short plants, dense flowers, bright colors and long flowering period, calendula is the most common herbaceous flower in early spring gardens and cities. In addition to ornamental, marigold has good edible and medicinal value, and its flowers and leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Next, the editor will take you to know about calendula.

  • The efficacy and function of marigold

    The efficacy and function of marigold

    The efficacy and function of marigold

  • What is the flower language of calendula?

    What is the flower language of calendula?

    The marigold is brightly colored and its petals are very beautiful and dazzling, and many people like its appearance. What is the flower language of calendula? Is it suitable for giving it away? First, the flower language of the marigold is more, and the meaning of the marigold is different on different occasions. 1 、

    2020-11-09 Calendula flower flower language what is it marigold color bright
  • Planting conditions and Management techniques of Calendula

    Planting conditions and Management techniques of Calendula

    Calendula, also known as everlasting chrysanthemum, marigold, chamomile, marigold, etc., is an herbaceous flower of the genus Calendula of Compositae, native to Europe. It was introduced into China from abroad after the 18th century. After the 1980s, with the introduction of double petals, large flowers and dwarf calendula.

  • Summary of the efficacy and function of Calendula

    Summary of the efficacy and function of Calendula

    Summary of the efficacy and function of Calendula

  • A detailed introduction to the efficacy and function of Calendula

    A detailed introduction to the efficacy and function of Calendula

    A detailed introduction to the efficacy and function of Calendula

  • The reason for the yellowing of Calendula leaves

    The reason for the yellowing of Calendula leaves

    Calendula leaves yellowing phenomenon, people often think that the disease is causing trouble, in fact, this is only one of the reasons, watering, fertilization, improper lighting will cause yellow leaves. So what is the reason why the leaves of calendula turn yellow? Let's take a look at the reasons for the yellowing of calendula leaves.

  • What is the effect of calendula? what is the function of marigold?

    What is the effect of calendula? what is the function of marigold?

    What is the effect of calendula? what is the function of marigold?
